In the last posting we shared our concern with the POA Board Member, who had been a Marshall but resigned his role, being recently been named the newest addition to the Marshalling team. So, what’s wrong / suspect with this?
* One would think that Marshalls would be active in the Big Canoe golf community – that is - one who plays golf at Big Canoe. Pretty straightforward. In this case, no rounds have been posted by this member (for handicap purposes) since August of 2017.
One might ask - If he doesn’t have time to play golf – how is he going to have time to Marshall?
* Timing is interesting. This individual could have approached the Board after the 2016 or 2017 elections, when the composition of the board changed, to request reinstatement. This appears to not have happened.
Another question – Why wait to “pre-campaign season” to ask to be reinstated?
* He was reinstated by our new GM. If you’ll recall in our last post, we shared the reporting structure from Marshall Coordinator thru POA Board. The GM reports TO the Board and yet it was the GM who reinstated the Board Member. Something like this:
Look fishy? In computer terms it’s called an infinite loop; in corporate terms it’s “You scratch my back; I’ll scratch yours.” Feels like a conflict of interest to us.
Lots of questions here:
~ Why not allow the individual who runs the program to continue to make the hiring
decisions rather that give a Board Member preferential treatment - circumventing
the entire process?
~ If reinstatement was inevitable – why not go to the “end of the list” and wait your
~ OR Why not wait until January, after the election, to begin working as a Marshall
again? This would eliminate the campaign impropriety issue.
* POA Board Member or POA Board President? The individual in question has openly shared he wants to be POA Board President. We’ve heard it suggested that he wouldn’t run again if he didn’t think he would be President.
Final questions for this segment:
~ How is our POA Board President possibly going to have time to Marshall?
~ Could it be that after Marshalling through the campaign season, leveraging the
program for campaigning / exposure and getting reelected only to determine there
isn’t enough time for both - resigning the position ONCE AGAIN in January when
Bottom line – lots of questions with few answers.
Until next time….